RMarkdown Presentation Template

Your Presentation Subtitle

Your Name

10 March 2018



  The Speaker






01. May 2018



  The Speaker






01. May 2018


Heading levels: # vs ##

Level 1 headings (i.e. #) do only allow header text!

Additional slide text will only work with level 2 headings (i.e. ##)

Like this one

  • which also opens up
  • another navigation level

Pressing the Esc key

  • zooms out of the current presentation
  • and illustrates how level 1 and 2 headings structure a presentation

Presenter mode

reveal.js supports speaker notes in presenter mode

Speaker notes can be added like this to any section:

<aside class="notes">
* These are some *presenter notes*.
* You can use `markdown` in those notes as well.
* Courtesy of the [reveal.js](https://revealjs.com/) framework.

Press S to bring up a window in presenter mode.

Slide-specific customizations

Create your own custom CSS

The following slides show some of the styles included in the custom CSS stylesheet for this template.

Slides without headers

You can create slides without headers by adding a horizontal line in the markdown source:


You can create slides without headers by adding a horizontal line in the markdown source:

Unfortunately, this prevents usage of additional styles specified with headers, i.e. this will not work:

---- {data-background="#1E8C45"}

A slide with a hidden header

Alternatively use the CSS class .hideslideheader to remove a slide header.

## A slide with a hidden header {.hideslideheader}

Alternatively use the CSS class `.hideslideheader` to remove a slide header.

As in this very slide.

As in this very slide.

Smaller text

If you need text in certain paragraphs to be smaller you can wrap it in <small> tags. This will apply to <code> sections that may be enclosed between the small tags:

If you need text in certain paragraphs to be smaller you can wrap it in `<small>` tags. 

And it will work across multiple paragraphs.

More smaller text

More control is possible with the use of CSS classes. Simply add one of the classes that only apply only to paragraphs, for example:

## More smaller text {.xs-small-pg-text}
CSS class Font size
small-pg-text 0.9em
x-small-pg-text 0.8em
xs-small-pg-text 0.6em

… or you

add a style to the header to resize everything on the slide.


## ... or {style="font-size:0.6em;"}


CSS class Font size
small-pg-text 0.9em
x-small-pg-text 0.8em
xs-small-pg-text 0.6em


  • Item 1
  • Item 2

Align slide left

This should:

  • align all elements
  • on a page left

Simply add:

## Align slide left {.left-aligned-slide}

Align slide right

Similarly, this will

  • align all elements
  • on a page right
  • by adding
## Align slide right {.right-aligned-slide}

Vertical alignment

Generally, it will be visually more appealing to have slide content vertically centered. This can be switched off by using the -V center=false option with the pandoc command. Individual slides could then be centered by adding .center to the slide header:

## Vertically center this slide {.center}

If most slides are vertically centered and only a few slides need to be aligned to the top the following class can be used.

## Align slide to top {.top-aligned-slide}

But this is a bit of a hack because it has to use !important in the CSS class definition.


"Reveal.js has support for nicely styled blockquotes. You just use the standard markdown syntax (i.e. lines preceded by ‘> ’) to add them. This slide uses a custom style (.quoteslide) to change the font and alignment for quotes as well as provide a different styling and alignment for the paragraph below the quote, which is assumed to contain a quote attribution.

This has been combined with a hidden header and a different background!

Someone, 2018

Pretty code highlighting


function linkify( selector ) {
  if( supports3DTransforms ) {

    var nodes = document.querySelectorAll( selector );

    for( var i = 0, len = nodes.length; i &lt; len; i++ ) {
      var node = nodes[i];

      if( !node.className ) {
        node.className += ' roll';


# hello world

you can write text [with links](http://example.com) inline or [link references][1].

* one _thing_ has *em*phasis
* two __things__ are **bold**

[1]: http://example.com




hello_user <- function(name) {
  if (!is.null(name) && !is.na(name) && nchar(name) > 0) {
    print(paste("Hello, ", name, "!", sep = ""))
  } else {
    print("Hello, stranger!")


title: "RMarkdown Presentation Template"
title: "Your Presentation Title"
author: "Your Name"
date: "10 March 2018"
theme: white
highlight: zenburn
transition: slide

Inclusion of R code

R Markdown

This is an R Markdown presentation. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see http://rmarkdown.rstudio.com.

When you click the Knit button a document will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks within the document.

Slide with R Output

##      speed           dist       
##  Min.   : 4.0   Min.   :  2.00  
##  1st Qu.:12.0   1st Qu.: 26.00  
##  Median :15.0   Median : 36.00  
##  Mean   :15.4   Mean   : 42.98  
##  3rd Qu.:19.0   3rd Qu.: 56.00  
##  Max.   :25.0   Max.   :120.00

Slide with Plot

Mathematical formulas

Rendering mathematical notations

By default a local copy of MathJax is included and utilised to support the correct rendering of mathematical formulas. A notation included as

$$\sum_{n=1}^{10} n^2$$

is rendered by MathJax as

$$\sum_{n=1}^{10} n^2$$

Thank You!


“RMarkdown presentation template” by The Speaker


Presented at occasion on [this date].


This presentation can be cited using: doi:…



Author/Affiliation: The Speaker, Organisation

Contributors: Person 1, Person 2 and Person 3

Presentation URL: https://sdaume.github.io/rmarkdown-presentation-template

Presentation Handouts: https://sdaume.github.io/rmarkdown-presentation-template\handouts

Presentation Source: https://github.com/sdaume/rmarkdown-presentation-template

Presentation PDF: Speakerdeck



This presentation is delivered with the help of several free and open source tools and libraries. It utilises the reveal.js presentation framework and has been created using RMarkdown, knitr, RStudio and Pandoc. highlight.js provides syntax highlighting for code sections. MathJax supports the rendering of mathematical notations. PDF and JPG copies of this presentation were generated with DeckTape. Please note the respective licenses of these tools and libraries.


If not noted and attributed otherwise, the contents (text, charts, images) of this presentation are Copyright © 2018 of the Author.